i hope I am not dying...

I have been More Than terribly forgetful for the past three weeks - forgetting appointments, losing things, locking myself out of my house... (and while driving home last night I imagined blogging that this was due to a small brain tumor that was situated on the memory section of my brain). So, Lets start with Sunday. Sunday, my friend Scott moved my old refrigerator and dishwaasher into my new house. This took a while (7+ hours) and I forgot that my long lost friend Lori was coming to visit AND forgot my dinner plans with another 'friend'. Whoops.

Monday, while cleaning the fridge drawers, I left my sink running for over an hour. How can I save the planet if I am wasting 7 gallons per minute? Then, after cleaning up that mess, I realized I had forgotten about my FULL bathtub of almond infused water. Yep, by the time I remembered - it was cold. Since both of these were water related incidents, I was slightly concerned I might actually drown if I bathed, so I showered instead.

Tuesday, I was supposed to deliver an image CD to my favorite Scandinavian furniture company - and I ran out of gas. And my phone died (after spending 42 minutes on said phone with my credit card company - haggling over a $39 late fee - even though my payment WASN'T LATE.) But because I have misplaced my house phone charger, I was sitting in my driveway (charging the phone) talking on the phone (also killing the planet). This made me go to Starbucks, because at this point in the day, only java chip frappicino could make me feel better, and that is when it happened... The ars in the oversized LandRover in front of me sent back his coffee F*@#!@#* twice, which sent me into A COMPLETE MENTAL BREAKDOWN IN THE STARBUCKS DRIVETHROUGH. Arses like him REALLy should go inside with their hardtoplease selves. I went to bed early Tuesday. after a large glass of white wine.

Wednesday was a productive day. I remembered lunch with Rachel, I gave $10 to a stranger who said he was hungry - but cynical Rachel named me a sucker and insisted this nice man was going to buy crack instead of the bacon cheeseburger and fries. Luckily Wednesday I didn't misplace anything other than my glasses - which I haven't yet found - but that doesnt really matter because I have lots and lots of contacts.

Today, the tumor hasn't acted up, because at this moment no water is running, I do remember that I need to get Darby her family portraits, Scandinavian child their high chair images, Kenya her baby images, Ellie Lee her CHRISTMAS family portraits, Evelyn her easter portraits, Corey the Papa d'Anjo certificates (for a truck show), and I need to show Emily her bridal portraits. Also, my crown molding in the kitchen is being installed, and I decided to do TAN walls and a pink ceiling. Yep, that is my plan. So far, so good...