my new family

nuts! I decided to get myself A new family. A family who actually likes each other, visits on holidays, smiles at each other and cooks meals. And, in this family, I get to be an older sister to a happy baby boy... Yes, my new family and I officially just met today, and NO, they didn't technically ASK me to join their family - I pretty much just announced to the mom (and the mom's mom) that I had made this decision and they agreed to it. So, here is my new family. THEY ARE NUTS. I will happily fit right in. i love the tricycle. so my idea.
They are all rockstars. Here is photographic proof. Check out baby Jordan's cool hairdo (I spiked it for him). Adorable. I love going into houses to do portraits - it is a better visual of who they really are. And my portraits are So NOT posed!
rockers. three generations.
photgrapher creates spiked hair

baby Jordan and his cool self