Pinball & Madison Avenue Collective

This is Madison Avenue Collective's (MAC for short) new sign, taken on my newest favorite thing, the iPhone Hipstamatic app. The goofball below is Jeff. He is the ruler. The man who runs the whole place. I am surprised he even let me become a member (everyone else is super artsy (& polite) and cool). He is an amazingly creative graphic designer.
Web guru, vinyl record enthusiast and hip hat wearer, Ron Sparks, holds the high pin-ball record. I am pretty sure he cheats.Yeah, the MAC is so cool, it has its own retro pinball machine. And a dime pepsi machine (Jeff gives us the dimes). And the best expresso ever (Ron makes it, but you have to ask nicely).
Matt R, the MAC's newest member, is a web developer/social media guy. And a guitarist. And a father of four. And has a crazy beer knowledge base.
AND below is Sam who is perhaps the coolest design intern ever - especially if clothing style, hairdo height and laidbackness are the criteria. And Sam is handy with tools, so that should count.